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Site Plan in Archicad

Note: The steps described in this article are still applicable for the latest version. The expected outcome of site plan as per the Singapore standards are achievable only by the workaround given in the article. Site plan shows Plan of the buildings ...

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Design Concept Presentation with Archicad

In this article we want to provide some tips and tricks to supplement or enhance architectural drawings. Architects need enhanced architectural drawings to be able to represent their design concept efficiently. Of course, you have to start with a pro...

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Transparent Textures and Vectorial Hatchings in 3D Documents

Transparency and Vectorial Hatches ( renamed as Surface - Cover Fill Foreground in AC 25) are some nice features of the 3D Documents, so the wish of combining these two for a single surface at some point (for example displaying mesh-like surfaces) is...

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Bird’s Eye View of a Building to be Placed in Master Plan

There are times when you need a Drone view of the building to show in Master Plan. All you need is the outline of the building, but it takes a lot of time to get a clean and crisp overall boundary of the entire project. And, in case there are updates...

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Show Projection Settings

The origin of this tip is a blog post by Pablo Montes on his great blog, Arquitecturama.MX: http://juanpablos.blogspot.com/ There are three options can be set as Range of Element’s Projected Display definition (Show Projection) for a non-straight Wal...

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How to display hidden Mesh lines on a section

How do we make a mesh cut line in section dashed? - asked by nickATA on ARCHICAD-TALKOne of our users posted this question on ARCHICAD-TALK about how to make an uncut line of a Mesh dashed on a section. The situation described was with two meshes (on...

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Trace & Reference Palette

Trace image not aligning across Stories - asked by John on ARCHICAD-TALKSometimes we can run into issues with Trace & Reference: the ghost drawing is shifted, not aligning with the content of the stories above certain elements missing from the ghost ...

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How to enable Shadows and Hatching in Elevation and Section

ARCHICAD allows users to quickly apply hatches and shadows to elevations and sections. To enable shadows and 3D vectorial hatching, please follow the steps below. Navigate to Elevation or Section. Open the Elevation (or Section) Settings dialogue box...

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How to change the dimensioning units by view

Is it possible to set two dimensioning methods in ARCHICAD in one project? - asked on FacebookThis question can be interpreted many ways, let's summarise what we know about dimensioning, what we can and can't do. Setting up the units in the project F...


Floor Plan Display with Overhead

ARCHICAD construction elements on a floor plan usually can have 3 different displays. projection projection with overhead cut only Using Projection with overhead is a similar look for different element types: There are a few exceptions though, having...


Line types displayed across stories

In case we would like to show our elements on other stories as well, one might wonder where to set the line type for the display one story above or below? In case of three basic elements, slabs, objects and meshes, we can set this under Project Prefe...

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Grid Elements in Elevation or Section

The Grid Tool in ARCHICAD allows elements placed in plan view to show in Elevation and Section. Enabling Grid Elements in Elevation or Section Select the elevation or section in the project map and click the settings button. In the Elevation/Section ...

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Visual Compare - Trace & Reference

Introduction This feature helps the user identify the differences between two views. All the necessary settings are available from the Trace and Reference Palette which is accessible from the Window > Palettes menu. Main options of the Trace & Refere...

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Missing elements - Troubleshooting Guide

Missing Elements in 3D (and 2D) Views If you notice missing elements or a blank window, the following possibilities are worth to check: 3D There is no missing macro in libraries (this sometimes aborts model creation) No 3D cut plane is turned on (Vie...

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Difference between Drawing and Figure Tools

This document was prepared in response to the Archicad-Talk question of when to use the Figure Tool rather than the Drawing Tool.The Drawing and Figure tools are Archicad features that allow the user to deal with drawings and images. Even though thos...

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How to Use Standard Details in a Project

This article explains how to embed one or more standard detail drawings into your Project. In this example, we will embed a balcony and Wall-Slab intersection detail into our Project, and place it onto a Layout. We will also create a marker which con...

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ARCHICAD's 3D Views and 3D Documents

Originally published at AECBytes: http://aecbytes.com/tipsandtricks/2008/issue35-archicad.html. Written by Eric Bobrow (Principal, Bobrow Consulting Group) ARCHICAD makes it easy to create a Virtual Building, a 3D Building Information Model (BIM) of ...

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