Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

Project data & BIM

Read articles about BIM-based management of attributes, schedules, templates, favorites, hotlinks, projects in general, quality assurance, etc.


Save and Apply Favorite Settings

Most architectural firms have a standard set of element settings they use repeatedly, in multiple projects. These may include standard Walls, Doors/Windows, Composite Slabs. This article describes how to save these standard element settings for later...

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SQL Queries

"(...) Someone asked me privately if there was a way to extract all of the layer settings for every layer combination in order to document all of the Layer combinations in an external program such as Excel or Access." This tip is an example of using ...

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Work Environment - Troubleshooting Guide

The External Content Menu is missing from the File menu in ARCHICAD 19 Solo edition Issue The External Content menu is missing from the File menu therefore the Place External Drawing command and the Drawing Manager menu is also missing from the defau...

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Background Updating

Background Updating Background Updating uses idle processor capacity to generate the 3D model and its associated BIM data for open windows and tabs. Before AC19: When switching to another open window, all model generation for that window would begin ...

Attribute Manager

The Attribute Manager (Options menu) is a handy tool to create and manage the Company-standards in your Archicad projects. Its commands allow you to copy (append, overwrite) attributes (Layers, Layer Combinations, Pens & Colors, Line Types, Fill Type...

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mtron Graphisoft | Graphisoft

Top 12 ARCHICAD Commands You Should Use all the Time

Would you like to work faster and more efficiently in ARCHICAD? We have collected 12 lesser known shortcuts in ARCHICAD International version that can ease your daily workflow: Highlight Toggle Shortcut: TAB Have you ever wanted to select a Zone inst...

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Replace Attributes by File: Automate Attribute Migration

If you are migrating multiple similar project files to Archicad 17 , the Replace Attributes by File function can help you speed up the migration process: it automates the Delete and Replace attributes function, instead of you having to issue repetiti...

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Template Files

See also: Template Files in ARCHICAD Help A template is a read-only project file with extension tpl. Why should I create my own template Templates are intended to cut down or eliminate the time to create a new project by reducing the repetitive task ...

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Layer Extras

Updating Views and Layer Combinations via the Context Menu – by Link Ellis, Worldwide Consultant "If I am working along in a view and decided that I want to turn a couple layers off so I click and hide them through right click, or through the palette...

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Cost Calculation Using Interactive Schedules

In order to estimate the costs in a project please take the following steps. This example will calculate the individual and total costs of the four doors (two of which are identical) in the plan below. Step 1: Set Cost Values for Elements in the Proj...

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Building a Pen Chart with SQL

"(...) I'm imagining a utility object that will automatically build a pen chart in the floor plan window with a user defined array of squares and accompanying text label for each pen. It would be a great help when introducing new coworkers to our pen...

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Typical 3D and 2D Speed Problems - Troubleshooting Guide

3D Summary of Typical problems Too many polygons count number of polygons with PolyCounter tool (Help menu > ARCHICAD [version] Downloads) to determine polygon count find objects with too many polygons watch out for objects coming from 3DS, C4D forma...

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Quick Layers Palette

Originally published at Cadalyst, written by Eric Bobrow Principal, Bobrow Consulting Group Editor's note: This tutorial is courtesy of Archicad. Archicad's Quick Layers palette complements the Layer Settings dialog box that allows layers to be turne...

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ARCHICAD Office Standards and Templates

This article is written by Eric Bobrow, Principal of Bobrow Consulting Group.Office standards set the graphic appearance and organization of documents produced by a firm. They also play a significant role in promoting consistency, efficiency and usab...

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ARCHICAD's Powerful Clone Folders

Originally published at AECBytes: http://aecbytes.com/tipsandtricks/2007/issue24-archicad.html written by Eric Bobrow Principal, Bobrow Consulting Group Within the Navigator View Map, ARCHICAD has a powerful, yet little-known and underutilized featur...

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Tips to set up Work Environment

At the bottom of the Start Archicad dialog box, you can select your preferred Work Environment profile. Unlike Project settings, Work Environment settings are saved not as part of the project, but in a local folder on your computer. The individual se...

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