Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

Teamwork & BIMcloud

Read articles about Teamwork, BIMcloud, BIMcloud Basic, BIMcloud Software as a Service, network settings, etc.


BIMcloud SaaS - Management features and tools

In this article we would like to talk about the management aspects of BIMcloud SaaS (Software as a Service) concerning its features. If you are new to BIMcloud SaaS, this article provides a quick introduction to management tasks and possibilities, as...

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BIMcloud logs and diagnostic data

General BIMcloud logs locations The following folders contain log and database files that are useful for troubleshooting. WindowsmacOS BIMcloud Manager log files C:\Program Files\GRAPHISOFT\BIMcloud\Manager-\Logs BIMcloud Manager data files C:\Progra...

Archicad users experience offline status in Teamwork

Related versions: v19 and newer Possible reasons based on the frequency of occurrence Archicad or BIMcloud / BIMcloud Basic is not up-to-date Make sure that all Archicad clients and BIMcloud / BIMcloud Basic components are updated to the latest build...

Breaking Hotlinked Modules in Teamwork

When having Hotlinked Modules in Teamwork projects you might have run into the problem of not being able to break the hotlinks as in the solo projects. Reserving the modules and/or the Hotlink Manager dialog itself doesn’t solve the problem either, t...

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New Features on BIMcloud as a Service (BIMcloud 2021.3)

As part of the upcoming BIMcloud as a Service (BIMcloud 2021.3) update, we are introducing two new features that make working with BIMcloud even more flexible and efficient! Graphisoft ID Based Licensing Have you ever found yourself in a situation wh...

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Teamwork operations are slow

Related versions: v19 and newer Archicad users experience slow down or freeze during Teamwork operations (Send & Receive, Send, Receive, Reserve, Release) in teamwork projects. Possible reasons based on the frequency of occurrence Archicad or BIMclou...

BIMcloud Server is Not Accessible

Applies to: BIMcloud and BIMcloud Basic from version 19 and above The status of the BIMcloud Server is Not Accessible, but the BIMcloud Manager is still accessible from Archicad or a browser. Users are not able to join projects. Joined projects indic...

BIMcloud Server cannot be started

Related versions: 2018.2 and newer The BIMcloud Server is stopped and cannot be started anymore. The BIMcloud Manager is still accessible from Archicad and from a browser as well. From version 19, although, the BIMcloud Control Icon shows that the Se...

BIMcloud Software as a Service Connection Test

BIMcloud Software as a Service facilitates secure, real-time collaboration among architects in the cloud. With your BIMcloud Software as a Service subscription, you gain access to a dedicated BIMcloud server, hosted by Graphisoft on the Google Cloud ...


File Synchronization on BIMcloud

File server capabilities came with BIMcloud 2020.2 and this feature allows you to store frequently used files, such as PDF, BIMx or MOD files. While normally the two BIMcloud components are continuously synchronizing between each other, in certain ca...

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BIMcloud Support Tool

Applicable: from BIMcloud 2020.2 To make support for BIMcloud related cases easier and faster, from BIMcloud 2020.2, GRAPHISOFT provides a new support tool to collect the necessary data for investigations. This article is covering the usage of the to...

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Limitations of BIMcloud File Server

From BIMcloud 2020.2, as a licensed feature (available in BIMcloud and BIMcloud as a Service), BIMcloud Server can handle files, such as PDFs, IFCs, or MOD files, which connects to one ore more Archicad Teamwork projects. Uploaded files can be access...

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Changes in Compatibility of BIMcloud Installation

Affected versions: from BIMcloud 2020.2, 2022.3 The compatibility of BIMcloud updates released so far has two levels. Of course, this depends on which version we would like to update to the newest version. BIMcloud 2020.2From BIMcloud 2020.2 it is no...

BIMcloud System Components

BIMcloud Manager Services and Processes WindowsmacOS Main service Service name: PortalServerService-v(Manager-) Service display name: GRAPHISOFT BIMcloud Manager (Manager-) Processes: LicenseManager.exe node.exe TeamworkPortalServerManager.exe Tray ...

How to Downgrade from BIMcloud to BIMcloud Basic

Preparation is key to an uneventful downgrade process. The more features of BIMcloud that were used the more important the preparation process is. For instance, in step 3 shown below, one will be required to delete incompatible projects. To preserve ...

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Error: "Unsuccessful Teamwork operation!"

Related versions: v19 and newer When an Archicad user attempts to Open a teamwork project or do a Send & Receive in teamwork, the operation fails with the above error message. Archicad or BIMcloud / BIMcloud Basic is not up-to-date Make sure that all...

Team Management on BIMcloud

BIMcloud 2020.2 is introducing a new functionality called BIMcloud Project*. It is serving as a central directory for all the information and settings related to the design project. To manage the multiples parties working on a BIMcloud Project, you c...

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Tracking Changes in Teamwork Projects

The Change Tracking feature allows Teamwork users to follow any modifications made in the project by fellow teammates. This functionality was introduced in Archicad 24 and is only available with BIMcloud. (It is not a part of the BIMcloud Basic featu...

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Working from Home with Archicad

At GRAPHISOFT we are doing our best to assist our users during the challenging times of the COVID-19 outbreak.Read this article to learn how we can help you. If you are considering to work from home, you will need to prepare your environment to be ac...

Network Requirements

Related versions: v19 and newer, BIMcloud as a Service Addresses Domain names or IP addresses Before installing any server products, consider how the server(s) will be accessed by clients (Archicad, BIMx) and other servers (BIMcloud). Plan for a long...

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How to Tell if BIMcloud or BIMcloud Basic is Installed

BIMcloud and BIMcloud Basic use the same installer. Therefore it is possible to install the licensed product by mistake. If you do not know what is the difference between BIMcloud and BIMcloud Basic, please check out our product overview site. Indica...

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How to Configure Snapshots to an External Storage

As a new licensed feature, available from BIMcloud 2019.1, BIMcloud Server offers to save snapshots to an external folder (e.g. company file server or backup server). This article presents how to utilize this new feature in your workflow. WARNING: Sn...

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How to Activate BIMcloud Basic

Start the activation process in the browser-based Manager interfaceSign in with your Graphisoft ID Reactivate with a different Graphisoft ID During the final steps of installing and configuring your BIMcloud Basic, you must activate it. Start the act...

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BIMcloud Basic Does not Pair Manager with Server

After installation of BIMcloud Basic, BIMcloud Server does not show up as an available Server on the Manager web interface. Pair BIMcloud Server to BIMcloud Manager manually Follow these 3 steps: Upgrade BIMcloud Basic to BIMcloud - this is a complet...

Failed to create Project or Library snapshot

Applies to: BIMcloud and BIMcloud Basic v22, v21, v20, v19 The project or library snapshot creation failed. Possible reasons based on the frequency of occurrence Available data storage is low Check the available space on the data store where the BIMc...

LDAP synchronization failed

Applies to: BIMcloud Possible reasons based on the frequency of occurrence Missing email address Every user must have an email address in BIMcloud. This is a requirement even if the users are coming from an active directory. Verify in your active dir...

BIMcloud Backup Guide

Related versions: v18 and newer Backing up your BIMcloud is essential to avoid data loss and minimize the time needed in case of a disaster recovery. Your backup can also be used for moving the Teamwork Projects and Libraries or even the entire insta...


Start and Stop BIMcloud manually

There are two options to Start or Stop BIMcloud manually (the results are the same in case of both options): Using the BIMcloud tray icon. Directly starting or stopping the services of BIMcloud. Start and Stop BIMcloud components using the BIMcloud t...

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Archive locations of BIMcloud and BIM Server logs

Logs locations of BIMcloud 18, 19, 20 and 21 WindowsmacOS BIMcloud Manager log files C:\Program Files\GRAPHISOFT\BIMcloud\BIMcloud Manager\Logs BIMcloud Manager data files C:\Program Files\GRAPHISOFT\BIMcloud\BIMcloud Manager\Data BIMcloud Server log...

Project Library Folder in BIMcloud

The Past In v21 and older versions libraries had their own page in the BIMcloud Manager and the library list was flat. it was possible to control each library’s access individually with detailed permissions, but it was hard to manage libraries from a...

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Ed Brown Graphisoft Alumni | Graphisoft Alumni

How to update BIM Server to BIMcloud Basic

Any BIM Server starting with version 19 can be updated to BIMcloud Basic. Please consult with the FAQ chapter below for further information. Before Installing Check which BIM Server versions you have installed on the machine. BIM Server 18 is not com...

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Grasshopper - ARCHICAD Live connection: Teamwork

This article summarizes how ARCHICAD elements generated and modified by the Grasshopper - ARCHICAD Live connection behave in a Teamwork environment. Reservation Elements created in a Teamwork environment from Grasshopper will be locked and reserved b...

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BIM Server Backup Guide

Related versions: v18 and newer Backing up your BIM Server is essential to avoid data loss and minimize the time needed in case of a disaster recovery. Your backup can also be used for moving the Teamwork Projects and Libraries or even the entire ins...


How to repair the BIM Server

Related versions: v18 and newer When BIM Server is not running properly because of missing or corrupted program files, or in case of cosmetic issues, it is easier to repair the BIM Server than to setup the whole environment again. You can start the r...

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How to migrate to BIM Server 21

Related version: v21 Before migrating Before migration make sure that you have a full backup and appropriate time for the migration process! Install BIM Server 21 As a first step choose a computer you would like to install the new BIM Server on. This...

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BIM Server system components

Related versions: v18 and newer In case of the following system components, both the network communication and file related operations need to be on the exclusion list if any antivirus/firewall/network monitoring application is used. Components BIM S...


Getting Started with GRAPHISOFT BIM Server

Related versions: v18 and newer This article will guide you through the BIM Server installation and configuration step by step with some additional information. Before Installing Checklist for installing the BIM Server in the local area network (LAN)...

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BIMcloud and BIM Server

Teamwork basics To get familiar with the concepts of Team Collaboration with ARCHICAD check the official BIMcloud site on GRAPHISOFT.com Hardware and software requirements Official System Requirements for BIMcloud and BIM Server on GRAPHISOFT.com Rec...

How to Restore BIMcloud from a BIMcloud Backup

Related version: 21 The mains steps are the following: Choose a machine or machines to serve as the new host(s) for the BIMcloud Install BIMcloud software on these machines and update them to the same patch level as the original BIMcloud Move the bac...

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Ed Brown Graphisoft Alumni | Graphisoft Alumni

Possible BIM Server performance decrease on Mac mini

Affected version(s): BIM Server 19 Build 8000 and BIM Server 20 Build 5011 | Severity: workaround applicable | ID: 204281 Issue With the new BIM Server updates (BIM Server 19 8000, BIM Server 20 5011) there may be a decrease in performance on Mac bas...


Error: "Error happened while connecting to project"

Related versions: v19 and newer Possible reasons based on the frequency of occurrence Archicad or BIMcloud / BIMcloud Basic is not up-to-date Make sure that all Archicad clients and BIMcloud / BIMcloud Basic components are updated to the latest build...

Working in Teamwork

with Educational License In non-Teamwork mode an Archicad file created in the Educational license can be opened by a full (commercial) license of Archicad, which will then switch to 'Educational mode' as long as that file is in use. The same applies ...

Start and stop BIM Server manually

Related versions: v18 and newer There are two options to start or stop the BIM Server manually (the results are the same in case of both options): Using the BIM Server tray icon. Directly starting or stopping the BIM Server's services. Start and stop...

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BIMcloud troubleshooting checklist

Situation: work on BIMcloud projects is seriously hindered, most of the clients (ARCHICAD) are affected. If Teamwork is working, but the performance is extremely slow with most of the users (or with all users), then close all ARCHICAD or limit Teamwo...

Project permissions are not visible after update

OS X El Capitan compatibility Updates (v18 Update 7000 and v19 update 4006) contain some major fixes to OS X El Capitan. Important note for Teamwork users: although it is essential for OS X El Capitan users to update, it is NOT recommended for Teamwo...

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How to migrate to BIM Server 19

New features of BIM Server 19 BIMcloud Control Icon on Menu bar/Taskbar: easier access and management of services Simplified BIM Server connection management Network Diagnostic Tool Migration from older versions As a first step choose a computer you ...

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How to migrate to BIM Server 18

New features of BIM Server 18 Browser based management interface (replaces the BIM Server Manager application) Network communication using standard http/https protocol Folders for projects Migration from older versions As a first step choose a comput...


Troubleshooting Connection Errors in Archicad Teamwork

These are general troubleshooting steps you should take if users are having trouble connecting to the BIM Server in a local area network (LAN) environment. General signs of possible connection issues are the following error messages: "Cannot Connect ...

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BIM Server Setup Key Points

This article is aimed at users of the FREE BIM Server. Applies to BIM Server 18 and above. A number of things changed in BIM Server 18 from previous versions. Below are key points to know when getting started. What is my BIM Server address? BIMcloud ...

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Workflow Changes in Teamwork with Archicad 18

Archicad 18 contains several developments that aim for a more robust and reliable Teamwork experience. For example, performance improvements with the embedded library. Some of these result in workflow changes, please find information about them here....

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Troubleshoot BIM Server after Java update on 10.6

Issue After installing the latest Java 6 update on OSX 10.6 thru 10.8, some unnecessary applications show up on the dock and the server may not run properly. Cause The BIM Server is not compatible with Java update: 1.6.0_51 Solution To make the BIM S...



Teamwork basics To get familiar with the concepts of Team Collaboration with Archicad check the official BIMcloud site on GRAPHISOFT.com Hardware and software requirements Official System Requirements on GRAPHISOFT.com and Recommended hardware site o...

Display order of 2D vs 3D elements in Teamwork Projects

Issue It is possible to set up a situation in Section/Elevation Views, where 2D elements are behind a certain 3D element, while covering another one, at the same time. When you Send and Recieve in Teamwork, this mixed situation cannot be transferred ...

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