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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

Collaboration with other software

Read articles about model- and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG based exchange, etc.


Open BIM Workflow Improvements

Open BIM Workflow Improvements Graphisoft’s Open BIM approach continues to be the focal point, through which we support design teams in efficient multi-disciplinary collaboration. IFC4 certification for Architectural Reference Exchange for Import Dur...


MEP Modeler Improvements

Archicad 27 includes a range of exciting improvements and features! In this article, we’ll look at the revamped MEP Modeler toolset and explore some tips & tricks useful in the modeling process. The MEP Modeler empowers architects, engineers, and des...

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Save as DWG: You can save a project view or layout from ARCHICAD to DXF and DWG formats. To save only one part of the view, use the Marquee to delimit the project and select Save As command. When Save Plan dialog is displayed, choose DXF or DWG forma...

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Automatic Live Load Generation

Table of Content Zones can be used for much moreDerive imposed loadsWhich zones generate live loads?1. Check the architectural model2. Check Zone Classifications3. Check Load CategoriesAdjust Load Categories inside ArchicadAdjust Load Categories outs...

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DXF-DWG Export Translator Settings

Available: File > File Special > DXF-DWG Translation Setup By clicking on a Translator during export, you can see and edit its content in the fields below, which falls into six main groups: Drawing Units Value of 1 DXF/DWG Drawing Unit in Archicad: A...

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Import/Export File Formats in Archicad

File Format Categories Archicad Formats Archicad BIMx Teamwork Library PlotMaker Diagnostics Other Formats CAD 3D/BIM Vector Graphics Image Point Cloud Video Documentation Archicad Formats Archicad Project Formats import / export .PLN Archicad Solo P...

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MEP Frequently Asked Questions

Note: MEP Modeler add-on has become an integrated design tool in Archicad 24. See more in Enhancements of the Built-in MEP Modeler. This article describes how to use the add-on in Archicad 23 and earlier. How do I edit MEP elements in Archicad withou...

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3DStudio In Add-On

This ARCHICAD Add-On can convert 3D Studio Max (.3ds) files to ARCHICAD as GDL objects. The conversion process can be customized by the user. Download and install "3DStudio In" Add-On You can download this Add-On amongst other Goodies by clicking on ...

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Placing DWGs as Drawings

Many consultants, including civil engineers and landscape architects, collaborate using DWGs. Referencing this content is a great way to selectively bring this data into a project file. Benefits to Using a DWG as a Reference Prevents unwanted attribu...

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Export Component-Level Data to IFC

Export customized data for individual components in IFC format In earlier versions of Archicad, we couldn’t export customized data for individual components (not just elements as a whole) in IFC format, so component-level quantity reports required wo...

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Faster Export to FRILO

Frequently exporting SAF files to FRILO can be time consuming Structural engineers who use FRILO are currently spending quite some time exporting SAF files by selecting a save location and setting the path for export each time, which interrupts the w...

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SAF Translator Improvements

Adjusting SAF Translator settings Currently, structural engineers can create and adjust structural analytical models in Archicad and eventually export them to the structural analysis software via SAF translators. However, in earlier versions of Archi...

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Morphs Exported as IfcSpace

Compliance with the German BIM modeling guidelines In general, during certain workflows, it is necessary to model rooms with the Morph Tool in addition to the Zone Tool. In addition to this modeling method, the new German BIM modeling guidelines requ...

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Splitting Rules of IFC Mapping

This post is to follow up on the previously published ‘Syncing Zone Cover Fills and Floor Finishes’ article where we mapped the Cover Fill value of the Zones to a custom made IFC property and made it appear in the Zone Stamp, this way saving some tim...

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Converting RFA files into GDL Objects

Using RFA content can be a great tool in building up a custom library. Follow the steps below to convert RFA content into GDL objects. NOTE: This process requires the user to install a plugin available from our partner BIM6x. Download and Install the...

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DWG Layers' visibility in ARCHICAD

To control the visibility of objects, usually there are more Layers used in DWG projects. Let's see how can the different import options in ARCHICAD manage the DWG layers: Open File » Open To define how elements in ARCHICAD will be interpreted use th...


Native Archicad Survey Point

In the project, the stakeholders work on models, which are created with different applications. Synchronizing and defining location data on the individual object level is time consuming and may result in inconsistent element placement when exchanging...

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Frequently Asked Questions About IFC

What are IFC and MVD? The IFC file format is ISO-certified and it was developed by the BuildingSMART (formerly the IAI - the International Alliance for Interoperability). IFC is the only open and standard 3D object-oriented exchange format used by BI...


Archicad IFC Translators

Importing and exporting model data using IFC is controlled by the settings of the translator you are using. Archicad comes with a handful of preset translator options which are optimized for certain 3rd party software but you can also create your own...


Structural Analytical Model Exchange

Archicad can share the structural analytical model with any external finite element analysis software that supports open-source file formats optimised for this purpose, such as: Structural Analysis Format (SAF) IFC Structural Analysis View (IFC SAV) ...

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Integrated Structural Analytical Model

The integrated structural analytical model within Archicad helps architects and structural engineers achieve real collaborative teamwork. This capability is available as of Archicad 24. While architects design with the help of physical models (BIM), ...

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Rhinoceros — GDL Converter

The Rhinoceros - GDL Converter is a part of the Rhino – Grasshopper – ARCHICAD Toolset. Create native ARCHICAD objects in Rhinoceros With this toolset, designers can save a selected part of a Rhino model in a native ARCHICAD object file (.gsm or .lcf...


Rhinoceros Import/Export Add-ons

The Rhinoceros Import/Export Add-ons are parts of the Rhino – Grasshopper – ARCHICAD Toolset. Exchange models in Rhinoceros native file format Designers may choose to work with a "reference model workflow" by exporting and importing models between AR...


Open BIM

OPEN BIM is a universal approach to the collaborative design, realization, and operation of buildings based on open standards and workflows. OPEN BIM is an initiative of several leading software vendors using the open buildingSMART Data Model. Why is...

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DXF-DWG Font Style Conversion Mapping

Follow the steps below to map line types in ArchiCAD to those in a DXF/DWG file. For an overview on DXF/DWG translators, click here. 1. Select the translator you wish to edit. 2. In the Settings tab, navigate to the Save Options and make sure that a ...

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DXF-DWG Line Types Mapping

Follow the steps below to map line types in ArchiCAD to those in a DXF/DWG file. For an overview on DXF/DWG translators, click here. 1. Select the translator you wish to edit. 2. In the Settings tab, navigate to the Save Options and make sure that a ...

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DXF-DWG Layers Mapping

Follow the steps below to map line types in ArchiCAD to those in a DXF/DWG file. For an overview on DXF/DWG translators, click here. 1. Select the translator you wish to edit. 2. In the Settings tab, navigate to the Save Options and make sure that a ...

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An Overview of DXF/DWG Translators

Overview of DXF/DWG Translators DXF/DWG translators allow ARCHICAD users apply a set of conversion rules to content being imported and exported from the program. Multiple translators can be setup to handle content from multiple consultants. To access...

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DXF-DWG Pens and Colors Mapping

Follow the steps below to map line types in ArchiCAD to those in a DXF/DWG file. For an overview on DXF/DWG translators, click here. 1. Select the translator you wish to edit. 2. In the Settings tab, navigate to the Save Options and make sure that a ...

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DXF-DWG Fills Mapping

Follow the steps below to map line types in ArchiCAD to those in a DXF/DWG file. For an overview on DXF/DWG translators, click here. 1. Select the translator you wish to edit. 2. In the Settings tab, navigate to the Save Options and make sure that a ...

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How to Create a Custom DXF-DWG Translator

Collaboration with consultants many times involves the use of DXF-DWG files. Differences in office standards can make content graphically difficult to use. Luckily, the DXF-DWG translator can help users map attributes in ArchiCAD to those in DXF-DWG ...

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Importing 3DS Files as Objects

Using 3DS content can be a great tool in building up a custom library. In order to import 3DS files the 3DStudio In add-on will need to be installed. The add-on is part of the Goodies installer. After this package is installed, follow the steps below...

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Model exchange with Autodesk Revit®

Is there a better alternative for model exchange with Revit® then the IFC workflow? No, there isn't. But there is a way to have a limited, direct connection. Use RFA & RVT Geometry Exchange Add-On to import and export 3D models via native Revit file ...


Coordinates and Orientation

Create the ARCHICAD model close to the ARCHICAD origin, which is indicated by a black cross on the floor plan. Loss of precision or malfunction can be experienced if the project elements are located very far from the project origin or from each other...

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Managing Attributes from Imported IFCs

Introduction When an IFC is imported and you choose the option 'convert to construction elements, otherwise objects/morphs', then new attributes will be created in ARCHICAD. If the imported content is an IFC structural file, the newly created attribu...

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IFC Import to ARCHICAD 20

Before you start check the 'IFC Translator Settings for IFC Import to ARCHICAD' IFC Import to ARCHICAD 20 Workflow File Menu > Open > Open Choose IFC as File TypeLocate and select the fileChoose or create an IFC Translator (Please note, that the Tran...

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IFC Import into Revit

There are two ways to import an IFC file into Revit: Link IFC and Link RVT. Link IFC This option is recommended for inserting IFC models into the current Revit project as references. You cannot edit the IFC model in Revit. If you later update the ori...


Exporting Stories/Levels from Revit

Set the Revit Levels so that they are calculated from 0. Prior to exporting an IFC file from Revit, make sure all additional structural levels (TOS, TOC, TOB, etc) are not set as Building Story. Secondly, add additional Levels to match the agreed lev...


3D Studio Files in Archicad

Import 3ds Max Files (.3ds) With the help of '3DStudio' In Add-On you will be able to convert .3ds files to Archicad GDL objects. By default, it is not integrated into Archicad. You can find a detailed description about the Add-on and how it works on...

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mtron Graphisoft | Graphisoft

Point Cloud - Troubleshooting Guide

Huge Point Clouds can't be opened in ARCHICAD Affected version: 19 and later | Severity: workaround applicable | ID: 191641IssueImporting Point Clouds that result in a .lcf file larger than 4GB cannot be done because of the limitation of the .lcf ext...

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IFC Based OPEN BIM Workflow – Part 3

Accessing and Displaying IFC Properties in ARCHICAD and BIMx IFC Data in 2D Documentation – Labels, Markers and Zone Stamps IFC Properties can be displayed in 2D views of the model in ARCHICAD: on floor plans, sections, elevations, etc. The main tool...

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IFC Based OPEN BIM Workflow – Part 2

IFC Property Management in ARCHICAD There are predefined IFC properties for ARCHICAD elements set by the IFC properties scheme setup and we can define an unlimited number of custom IFC properties as well. When a new, custom IFC property is added, you...

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IFC Based OPEN BIM Workflow – Part 1

How to prepare your model in ARCHICAD for collaboration in OPEN BIM For every party collaborating in OPEN BIM it is crucially important to have a shared system of the project regarding: Identical Project Location settings, such as: Project origin Nor...

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Rhinoceros - GDL Converter - FAQ

What is the Rhinoceros - GDL Converter? The Rhinoceros® - GDL converter enables users on Windows platform to export a model created in Rhino, and import it to ARCHICAD (to both Mac and Windows platforms). The Rhino-ARCHICAD link converts Rhino model ...

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DWG - Troubleshooting Guide

Check Translator Settings DXF-DWG Translator basics DXF-DWG Translator settings for Import DXF-DWG Translator settings for Export Known Issues ARCHICAD Template and DWG Translator Problem Issue: A DWG file exported from ARCHICAD might have different ...

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How to Open and Save 3D DWG or 3DS Files

3D modelling softwares have different engines to compute objects, they have their own file formats. The conversion between these applications goes usually in two ways: Using DWG/DXF format: the content of the file depends on the conversion system of ...

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Importing DXF/DWG files into Archicad

The DXF/DWG Add-On is installed together with the Archicad package and is smoothly integrated into the Archicad user interface. It allows you to: Open AutoCAD drawings as Archicad Project or Archicad Library Parts File » Open It is worth using it if ...

Tips to Import DWG Files as Trace Reference

Sometimes we get reference files such as site plans, drafting aids, plans from co-workers in DWG format that we should not modify. To display two different views concurrently in any ARCHICAD model or layout window, we can use the Trace Reference feat...

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DXF-DWG Translator

Use this dialog box to define how elements in ARCHICAD will be interpreted when exported as DXF/DWG files, and vice versa: how the elements in DXF/DWG files will be interpreted when imported into ARCHICAD. Because of the difference between AutoCAD an...

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DXF-DWG Import Translator Settings

File/File Special/DXF-DWG Translation Setup By clicking on a Translator during import, you can see and edit its content in the fields below, which falls into five main groups: DXF-DWG Translator Settings Drawing Unit Select the correct value of 1 DXF...

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IFC Workflow Between ARCHICAD and Revit MEP

Follow the steps below when collaborating with someone using Revit MEP. ARCHICAD 15 and Revit MEP 2012 were used in the examples below but the process remains the same for current versions of ARCHICAD. 1) Set Element Parameters Open the selection set...

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XREFs are External reference files: DXF or DWG filetypes which can be imported into ARCHICAD. It facilitates to collaborate with Sturctural Engineers. A common use for XREFs is to draw elements that are common to several kinds of drawings within a Pr...

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